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Journal Title: SPIRIT
Journal Name: SPIRIT
Publishing Range: 2 Volumes per Year (May and November)
ORCID ID0009-0004-4212-3946
PublisherLPPM ITB Yadika Pasuruan
Citation IndexGoogle ScholarGarudaCrossref, Dimension
Bahasa: Indonesia
Disiplin Ilmu: Sistem Teknologi Informasi, Sistem Informasi


Spirit : Journal of Computing and Cybernetic System is a scientific journal to develop knowledge in the field of Information Engineering and Management. published by the College of Information and Computer Management supported by the Central Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) ITB Yadika Pasuruan. The editor invites professionals from the business world, education and researchers to write about the development of science in the field of Information Engineering and Management

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